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Moving on from doomed high-rise homes

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Thu 16 Oct 2014

Moving on from doomed high-rise homes

More than 40 high-rise residents have made relocation plans to move to new properties and more than half of the 457 affected households have already personally met with Shoreline officers.

Jim Capps, 68, has lived in Thesiger House for over 18 years. One of the first tenants to move, he has accepted a flat in one of Shoreline's sheltered schemes.

Jim said: "I'm looking forward to moving to Cleethorpes, it's a complete new start for me. I'm sad to go but, in another way, it's very exciting.

"I love my new flat, I fell in love with it the moment I saw it and it's just the right size. It'll be refurbished and adapted for my needs. I hope I'll be very happy here.

"I wish all of the house-hunters success but like with me, I'm sure Shoreline staff will make the transition to a new home as smooth as they can."

Eager residents have been keen to take the opportunity to discuss their move with Shoreline.

Many have selected homes in the East Marsh, retaining their community links, while others have chosen to move to neighbourhoods across the borough.

Residents have taken the opportunity to visit a specially-created show home within the East Marsh, while many older tenants have also expressed interest in Strand Court – a new Extra Care scheme currently under development adjacent to the high-rise blocks.

The scheme will provide high- quality accommodation with support and care for eligible applicants.

Following very extensive public consultation with directly-affected residents – with a very good response rate of 82 per cent – as well as local businesses, partner organisations, stakeholders and the wider community, there was majority support for the demolition of the blocks and Comber Place maisonettes.

Overall, 52 per cent of respondents were in favour after it was proposed by Shoreline as part of the long-term economic interests of the affordable housing charity.

Shoreline has provided all affected residents with a personal relocation support officer and arranged a series of specific advice sessions.

If anyone has any questions or concerns they can telephone 0345 849 2000, e-mail or visit

ON THE WEB: Have your say on the demolition plan at www.

Source: Grimsby Telegraph